The reality TV series Family Karma on the Bravo channel chronicles the lives of several Indian-American families, including Vishal Parvani and Richa Sadana. The couple was recently married and decided to spend their honeymoon on an adventure with Quasar they’d never forget: Patagonia. While the pair shared videos from their …
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When planning a trip to the Galapagos Islands, one of the most common pitfalls is booking flights before securing accommodations or cruise options. This seemingly logical step can lead to a series of complications, from misaligned schedules to increased costs and missed opportunities. While one…
The reality TV series Family Karma on the Bravo channel chronicles the lives of several Indian-American families, including Vishal Parvani and Richa Sadana. The couple was recently married and decided to spend their honeymoon on an adventure with Quasar they'd never forget: Patagonia. While the…
Since 2009, Quasar has been redefining luxury exploration with their unparalleled experiences of the Galápagos aboard the iconic Grace yacht. Excursions harken back to an era of travel as an expression of way of life, and a way of being; when the immersion in wonder…
When your “BIG Day” is on the horizon, there’s one thing you know for a fact: you want your honeymoon to be just as memorable as your wedding day. You don’t want just any trip, or worse, a cliché destination. You’re looking for a trip-of-a-lifetime…
In our posts about the Galapagos, we’ve mainly stuck to talking about, well, the Galapagos. But there’s another destination that factors heavily into your adventure with Quasar Expeditions — mainland Ecuador. In a way, the Galapagos Islands have become the best and worst thing to…
Patagonia, also called The End of the World, is still an unknown destination to most. It is not yet thought of as a place most would ponder spending their vacation time, especially if you are looking to get away from it all, be pampered or…