Paul Schicke
Written by Paul Schicke Senior Expedition Designer

Updated: May 01, 2024
Published: August 29, 2012

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Airplane window view-pane

You will need to arrive in Ecuador no later than the day before your flight leaves the Ecuadorian mainland for the Galapagos Islands. We recommend arriving in Ecuador two days prior to the start of your cruise. That way if your international flight is delayed for any reason, you can still make your flight to the Galapagos and you can spend a day in the mainland enjoying the Andean Highlands for example.

It is especially important for you to arrive a day or two early during the winter when storms can shut down airports or cause flight delays in the northern hemisphere. If you miss the start of your cruise, catching up with your cruise will likely require that you to pay for the hire of smaller vessel to take you to your yacht. All this can be easily avoided simply by arriving in Ecuador a couple of days prior to the start of your Galapagos cruise.

Airplane window view of Evolution Yacht in Galapagos
Paul Schicke
By Paul Schicke
Senior Expedition Designer

Hello! My name is Paul. I am a photographer, traveler, teacher and writer. I have extensive experience in travel to Galapagos, Peru, Patagonia and the western seaboard of South America specializing in ways travelers can experience these once-in-a-life destinations like locals on the road. Lover of wine, chocolate, travel, coffee, and helping others plan vacations of a lifetime!

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