Andean Condor Facts

Name: Condor, Condor Andino / Andean Condor
Scientific Name: Vultur gryphus
Family: Cathartidae
Order: n/a
Size: It’s between 110 to 120cm tall (47.8 – 52.2in). With wingspan of up to 3 meters (1180 in)
Weight: n/a

Large bird with a striking presence. It has long wings and a hooked break. No hair on the head and neck has white fur. The male has red crest in its head. Both male and female have a white collar on neck, while youth do not.

The gestation period lasts about 60 days. It lays an egg every 2 years and the offspring remains in the nest until 6 months old.

All Chile.

All year

Carnivore, scavenger.

Files in all environments, usually put their nests in mountainous areas with cliffs, far from human contact.

Andean Condor